
Drop-Off between 1:00pm -1:30pm at the Fire Hall. Please enter through the kitchen door.

Awards Location: Winners Announced at 3pm in the Entertainment Tent


A recipe for the pie and the pie crust must accompany each entry.

All recipes must include a complete ingredient list and directions.

Contestant name and phone number must be printed on the back of the recipe.

Pie should be submitted in an 8”, 9” or 10″ pan.

It is strongly suggested to bake in a disposable pan as the pie pan will not be returned.

Do not write your name on the pie tin, as your entry will be assigned a number upon check-in.

Prizes Awarded for 1st | 2nd | 3rd Place
Winners Announced in the Entertainment Tent at 3:00 PM

2023 Winner - Lyndsay Gargas


Marsha Lee

Genoa Homecoming Committee

P. O. Box 262

Genoa, OH 43430

419-654-9795 // piebaking@genoahomecoming.org